Cooped up, on fire, slings and arrows. “Ambushed into rapture/By a mind out of control/Rapture that rivets me/and my head at random.” Racing thoughts, body and soul stuck in current conditions, restrictions. C’est la vie in a global pandemic as we press on. Onward and upward! Hold fast my pretties as this annus horribilis draws to a close.
Instead of portraying her in a video
where I tell the tale,
transform you into a stag
so that predator becomes prey.
My options swell
when I’m a goddess.
My silver arrows ace your knife,
gun, arrogance.
I deploy Nemesis
or rouse the sea to impede your journey,
perhaps send a boar
to maim your mean old ass.
Ambushed into rapture
By a mind out of control,
Rapture that rivets me
And my head at random
Until the mind crashes,
Pulled toward Earth
Via gravitational attraction
Like a sluggish satellite.
Changing my mind
Is a monumental task,
As gradual as turning a cruise ship.
Other days it snaps to quickly,
Bestowing dish drainer bliss,
Or condemning certain conceits as dull.
Take the chicken out of the freezer.
Sorry, I can’t help myself.
I am ordinary.
Don’t know my own mind,
What it wants to say,
What it perceives
When I’m not there,
How it directs action
Or boxer-trounces deviancy.
I don’t have to think
About sociopaths
In the family album,
His irascible fictions,
The legs he’s pulling
As I stand here
Entranced, basking in the glow
Of neighbours’ Christmas decorations.
Why can’t I have a rooftop deck?
Let’s get to the gist
Of the matter shall we,
Before it’s all your idea.