Sad Anniversary. In honour of Dave Gregg, the elegiac poem I wrote last year


It’s been a year since our beloved Dave Gregg died. Too young, taken too soon. The shock lingers. Dave was a towering presence in more ways than one, a true rara avis, I had the great privilege of knowing him since our punk rock heyday, when he presided over Fort Gore and played in Private School then DOA and the Real McKenzies. He became close to me and my family through my best friend Cathy after they hooked up. Cathy is my son’s godmother and Dave was like an uncle, an exceptionally jolly uncle and a wonderful role model with his indefatigable exuberance and generousity.  I loved him for his towering wit and steadfast kindness. He was wonderful role model for my son. Cathy’s an equally extraordinary individual and she and Dave complemented one another. They reveled in a symbiotic relationship, partners in business, life and love. The pair traveled extensively and we always looked forward to meeting up with them for a vacation or whenever they landed in Vancouver. I hold close fond, precious memories; celebrating my birthday on Molokai, kids indulged with kayaking and horseback riding, sleeping in tenatlows on the beach. During a momentous holiday gathering in Whistler, much to our delight and amazement, Dave and Cathy bestowed us all with commemorative white terry robes. One year it was cabins in Waimea Canyon on Kauai, grilling tuna steaks and mahi mahi for Christmas dinner on the Na Pali coast.  We shared many good times and bad jokes over countless meals together.

And we still work to assimilate the loss. He meant so much to us all. Yes, Dave was a consummate musician, a great showman, and a wild man who was as free as a man can be in this world. As bitingly observant and wickedly funny as he was, I never heard Dave diss anyone.  Truly benevolent, I’m certain the man didn’t have a malicious bone in his body, as they say. Here is a poem that as I told Cathy, couldn’t bear to write in past tense. Dave will always loom tall in our home, hearts and minds.


Head of fur.
Unabashed depth charger
As a cascading river
Wilderness alive inside him
Night a badge
Over savannah heart.
Heroic trickster
Dutifully howls,
Coyote-like scatters stars
Unerringly sharing his light.

2 thoughts on “Sad Anniversary. In honour of Dave Gregg, the elegiac poem I wrote last year

  1. Wonderfully put Heather. We will always miss Dave, as you say he was a unique individual. I can’t believe he will never walk in my door again. As I told Cathy, we have rich memories of Dave.

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