Just an ordinary Saturday

“Nobody wins by looking back.” -from a Nancy Greene Raine article

After nursing Junior and his virus all week, I escaped a serious bout of shack wacky wiredness by visiting my massage therapist Karolina and her healing hands. I’m a mess when I don’t see her on a regular basis. She drains the tension and mucus and God-knows-what else right out of me. Took Brinda for a pleasant walk with the sun poking through the clouds. People are starting to allude to spring. Ah, the anticipation. Went into the Cove, rented a movie, bought some popsicles for the kid. Popsicles are de rigueur when suffering with a cold. He’s been amusing himself with his new game, Rock Band. Strange for me to watch these caricatures in a video game. It provides good music appreciation I suppose but I wish he’d learn to play the guitar, or any instrument. Will he get the bug some day, in the real world? We shall see.

Been working hard revising and editing my poetry manuscript all day. Finally decided on “Sky Busting” for a title. I polled friends and though “Window Seat” received a few more votes, I’m going with “Sky Busting” because that’s my preference. I think it’s a little more intriguing than “Window Seat” which sounds so passive. Today I’ve found quite a few things to change. Not glaring boo boos, just more refined word choices and line breaks. I have to do this work in stages. I get burned out if I try to do it all at once, can’t really be SEE the poems after a while. I have to shelve them for a while before revisiting them. So I’m going to re-print and re-read a couple more times and not worry about how long it’s taking despite my anxiety about getting the manuscript off.

Got a notice about the new Spoken Word program at Banff, facilitated by friends Sheri-D Wilson and Ian Ferrier. Would be lovely to attend. I think it’s a residency, but I’m too busy doing spoken word to be studying and I’m glad for that. Christ. I’ve been *doing* spoken word since the 80s! AURAL HEATHER cd launch is coming up May 29 at the Media Club and I’m up to my eyeballs in logistics and rehearsals and the final stages of production.

Was not impressed with “The Brave One.” Terence Howard is still hot however and I will always admire Jodie Foster as an actor but the script was weak, the whole premise pretty far-fetched. There was some innovative editing near the beginning of the film with cutting between their bodies making love and being manipulated on the operating table. I noticed a scene too that was very reminiscent of Taxi Driver wherein Travis is in a convenience store and blows away the robber. Was in intentional? Foster was only 13 in that classic, playing a young prostitute.

Wish I’d learned how to ski. I lived in the Kootenays like Nancy Greene but nobody took me skiing. I was a demon on a pair or skates though.

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