Tag Archives: Heather Haley



Not for Catholics only.




She is a fossil, suspended
In amber. On display.
Before Shot,
Example of what not to do
When you know not what to do.

Limp hill-headed escapist
Maiden in name only
Took his offer
Got his goatee but not intent
To trample. Renege.

Do not go there in your mind.
Lurking invites infestation.
Do not wait for the next move.
Do not descend into minutiae.
Do not kill time.

There is no glory in the coffin.
Do not hang on the line.
Do not wait for the perfect fit.
Do not wait.
Do not do nothing.


MONSTER LOST . . . It seems there is no logic to these things.





Godzilla years
Vagabond phase
Rampage days
Punch & Judy Show
Nights. Wild west
Pastiche. Bang
Locals. Streamline fate.

No coastline suits
No dwelling
Can contain him.
Latent crush
She did not choose.
He fell into her
Living room

Woozy from flight
Parsimonious talker
Familiar, fragile, giant
Pocked with luck.
Collisions. Pain.
She did choose to look.
To see. To harbour.


SEEKER . . . “Seeking what is true is not seeking what is desirable.” ― Albert Camus




She found him
Verbose, wondered
Why he was gargling,
Carving salt with his uvula.

Too much tongue?
She was the type
To fondle q tips
Groom his climax.

Swish. Swallow. Marvel.
The questioning type
Blessed or cursed
With a savant prone womb.

She found slums
More frightening than marsh,
Collarless dogs
And red grapes

Dozing, frozen in the sun.
Then she found me
Long after she’d quit
Seeking answers. Clarity. Peace.


MIRAGE . . . Verse alluding more to the optical phenomenon than the Vegas hotel


When I write and think I feel like EveryWo-Man, that I am nothing more than bits of all and other people talking to myself. Them. Us. And today please bear in mind that which we desire can kill us before we reach the oasis.



Strive to wake slowly

To answers, to morning

When I hear best

When I am best heard.


So, what’s my weather?

Clammy Kurt Cobain,

Decapitation dreams

Verdant commotion

Microchip dread.


Don’t shy away she said

Pretend you can’t see

What you see.

Here comes your tall order


Last Coke in the desert,

What you thought out loud

Sacrifice bunted,

Bent light rays for,

Made manifest, integral

Part of the landscape.


In dubious collusion

With your dawdling beau

Inspirational quotes

Make you puke,


The unsaid, uneasy.

There is no rain.

No water.

No lake.



. . . even when you’re not looking; especially when you’re not looking.



Take umbrage.

Sour all I have.

I used to allow it.

Did not rock kismet

Delight in peals of spring.


I mired. Flickered,

Got the dirt on

A waif, wily, perverting

High school rituals

Claw hammering rivals


Blind to the nests

Cocoons, hives, shells

Snoozing in biology class

Oblivious to living organisms

Living in, on, through us.

All escaped our attention.


Now I name stars

Species, ripen salmon

Salvage withered pines

Old friends, repair things

Beyond repair

Sail toward a ship.


BOTCHED MISSION; Some spectacles seduce. If you can’t beat ’em…




Or, booty call gone bad.
It’s not funny. Nor murky.

Icy thorns of fury
Recede slower than scars.

The sustenance of pain wore off.
Frayed, aching, sopping

With venom, rage engorged,
Vein of mayhem opened.

Angel dust of adrenalin
Winging dainty arms,

Amplifying might. Charm
Offensive, to be admired only at night

Beloved as a mule,
His shame her cargo.

Serial monogamy, serial frustration.
No getting off this ride.

Flexing reserves of righteous
Muscle, she kicked ass and dragged.

Damn him, fuck spadework,
Shanghai the shower as tomb,

Victuals, body rotting,
Speculation rising

Till they found the red stench,
Cordial, self-winding businessman

In fetal position, lenses
In the washer, voyeuristic goo.

Water did not silence the apparatus
Nor launder its images

Truth as obscured
As that Judgement Day in June,

God in the guise of ex-girlfriend,
Jesus lost in five years of lynch mob.


NATIONAL POETRY MONTH in Vancouver keeps us on our toes!

Photo: Tabitha Montgomery

Whew! Recovering from an action packed weekend; two launches for two anthologies. My poem Appelton was featured in Alive at the Center along with other Cascadian poets from Portland, Seattle and Vancouver. It’s a farcical poem, people laughed and we all revelled in the convivial atmosphere at the Rhizome Cafe. Saturday, I read Three Blocks West of Wonderland at the launch for FORCE Field: 77 Women Poets of British Columbia at the Vancouver Public Library, followed by a party at the Railway Club, which turned out to be a fantastic gathering of the tribe.

Well, it is National Poetry Month. I will be doing another reading for FORCE Field on the 26th at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in Burnaby. Couch surfing is a little rough but it does provide a wonderful opportunity to visit, something I rarely have time to do when I cross the moat (Howe Sound) and go into Vancouver with a long list of errands, meetings, appointments.

FIONA DOES THE DESERT-“The Town Slut’s Daughter” novel excerpt



Dennis convinced Fiona they had to visit Joshua Tree on their way to Los Angeles.

“I want you to see the real desert. This is the best time to go. Early spring. Everything’s in bloom.”

They stopped for gas, kitty corner to the Oasis of Love Wedding Chapel. Dennis pointed to an uneasy and checkered queue of couples clad in black and white lining the block.

“Let’s get married!”

“Are you crazy?”

“You still need a green card, don’t you? Isn’t that the best way? Marry a citizen?”

“You mean you?”

“Why not?”

“Because, green card marriage or not, you’ll take it seriously. Besides, I’m too young to get married. You’re too young to get married.”

“What am I to you?”

Fiona groaned. “You’re a friend, Dennis. One of my dearest friends. A friend with privileges. Take it or leave it.”

I’m such a bitch. A mile down the road, she slid her hand between his legs, stroking the denim taut over his balls. Moaning, Dennis pulled the van over. They did it in a plume of red road dust.

The lovers gradually eased into au naturale mode, more serene with each mile of desert highway kaleidoscoping past. They motored through gorges and coulees vaguely familiar, like a Roadrunner cartoon, SIDEWINDER CAFE, BORAX, LOST HORSE MINE road signs riddled with bullet holes. The Mohave was a shock of alien beauty, teeming with life. In bloom, indeed. They stopped, got out, waded through bellflowers, asters and fuchsia sand verbena, beavertail cactus sporting coral red blossoms like hats. Dune primroses reminded Fiona of the Alberta wild rose. Dennis laughed at her wide-eyed, gaping mouth astonishment.

Finally they reached Joshua Tree National Monument. She’d been expecting a phallic wonder rising off the desert floor but realized the Americans used ‘monument’ to mean ‘park.’ Dennis photographed her in relief against a horizon of softly sloping stone hills, sporting her new, fifties-circa straw flying saucer hat. She struck a Bono pose under a Joshua tree, which was not a tree at all. Lightheaded and languorous in the balmy air, Fiona stretched out movie star-style, hands on her hips, looking directly into the lens, studly paramour documenting their euphoria for all posterity.

They came upon a thick stand of Bigelow chollo cactus harbouring nests of Sage sparrows.

“The balls of their spines break off and stick to your skin like magnets,” warned Dennis. “Don’t get too close.”

The Yucca plant produced strange fruit, clusters of pale blossoms exuding a warm, waxy scent, but the most sublime desert plant must be the ocotillo, she thought, a tangle of towering, quivering green stalks like tentacles, gilded with scales and topped with scarlet arrow tips.

Dennis’s sharp eye spotted all manner of lizard; banded geckos, iguanas, chuckwallas. They saw silver spotted grasshoppers and a Walking Stick suspended from a Mormon Tea branch. Down the road, they were forced to stop the van, agog at the sight of kamikaze caterpillars crossing the asphalt in a shuddering river. Dennis bent down to examine the freaky, fetid stew of yellow, black and lime.

“Man! This was a wet winter. This only happens every seven years or so.”

They climbed Jumbo Rocks, huge boulders suggesting rising dough or the granite buttocks of sleeping elephants. At the crest, the rock face resembled skin, lined and pockmarked. In close, the surface was pebbled, filled with cracks and crevices. Elated, Fiona photographed Dennis beneath a large, round boulder miming Atlas supporting the earth. He snapped her standing inside the huge eye socket of a rock skull. They nearly fell into sinkholes, perfectly rounded basins carved into rock by water. Dennis invited her to sit.

“What about scorpions?”

“Nocturnal. We probably have more to fear from rattlesnakes. Just don’t put your hands on any ledges you can’t see.”

They sat, nestled, gazing down the valley of saltbush and smoke trees. Dennis pointed to a jet etching contrails upon a gradient blue sky. Cap Rock jutted out, a visor of stone.

“You can see all the way to Mexico from here.”

It’s easy to see why this place became sacred.” A breeze cooled her skin, prickly from too much sun. Fiona turned. “And the air up here is making me randy.”

“It is?” Dennis was hard in an instant. Panting.

“Yeah.” She avoided his eyes, resting her chin on his shoulder as if studying the lengthening shadows. Fiona allowed a few seconds to pass, then Continue reading

TERMINAL LABOUR . . . a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it.




Murderous pipe

Snaking though mountains

Rips the century in two.

Calamity stitches, salt


Rituals, mollifying dances

Distract hippie protesters.

Ransack a few days off.

Sour fists, sweet mouths,


Boner in the rain.

He recalls her glass tears,

Tongue of flint

Silent in the station


Shrewd in the bar.

Dunce fat depleted,

Husk nearly ready

For the casket,


He works with her

To remove obstructions,

Excavate a trench,

Contour the land.


WET RECOVERY…despite everything



Mangled post tequila,

Estrangement narcotic,

Longing, withdrawal.

Up from the basement


Pretty feet restored

I propel myself

With nothing

But will, grateful for the veil


Of mist, piano notes

Icy raindrops pelting

What’s left

Post hacking



Hacking away.


He’s not the only martyr


Dragging me down,

Blowing me up.

I will sleep with the river,

Esoteric toads,


A harridan

Sharper than thistle,


Sheltered. Cleansed.