Working toward deliverance

My long dead parents’ anniversary. Sad, yes, but sadder while they were alive. I can’t remember a time when they weren’t miserable together.

Another sad anniversary; it’s been two years since my dear friend Peter Haskell was killed in Los Angeles. I’ve written fairly extensively about the tragedy in this blog, miss him terribly and wish I could be with his family right now.

Oh man, I’ve planted the seeds and watch out, here comes fruition! Work. I’m working on two videopoems with Derek von Essen, curating VV 2010, revising my novel, preparing to read at Word on the Street Festival while manning the domestic front of course. Never a dull moment. At least I’m not sitting on a couch getting fat whilst waiting for something to happen, like my poor, dear mother.

I swear I’m dyslexic! I was trying to send a fax this morning, which wouldn’t go through but insisted to my partner that I was dialing the numbers correctly, embarrassed when I double-checked to find I had actually inverted two digits. Yikes!

My curator hat is on top this week as I agonize over decisions and program Visible Verse. We’re celebrating 10 years this year, which happens to mean twice the work. But, all is well. The deer are in the salal, eating ripened berries and birdseed, our mutts bark at the doe and her fawn. The neighbour’s cement mixer churns and groans. Now several neighbourhood lap dogs are yipping incessantly. Aiiieee!

Writing is never far from my consciousness though. I’m brimming with ideas, more confident about the manuscript, more directed, mindful always of subtext. I feel like I’m finally on a roll, juggling cuts and pastes the way I juggle roles. I just have to stop worrying in between writing jags. There will always be disruptions.  I’ve arranged to stay at a friend’s cabin in the Nicola Valley for a week next month to write and finish the final draft.

Looks like the bear was here this morning. I found the bird feeder dismantled this morning. When SamIAm went outside, his hackles rose immediately and he ran around the property in a tizzy tracking, woofing. I thought it might be around when I was walking them in the woods yesterday, they seemed spooked but I didn’t see it. Or them. Apparently there are two bears on the island at the moment. I don’t know why people are always surprised to hear that they swim over from the Sunshine Coast. I mean, think about it. It’s not that far and they are powerful creatures.

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